About "The ‘Point and’ Shootist"

First, my camera choices. When I was 3 or 4, I started off with a “Brownie” as my first camera. Then came other cameras, can’t remember all the names or even brands (Kodak, Fuji & more) but I do remember a square flash cube! Later graduated to the 110 speed “Instamatic” cameras & even a Kodak “Disc” camera for a short time.

The fantastic National Geographic photographers use Canon cameras and lenses, because they believe them to be the best and they say so. I have always admired that and whenever I could afford it, I bought a CANON camera. The first was a SURE SHOT and then the SURE SHOT SUPREME, and on and on.

Then there was a long break in any real photographic efforts by me . . . due to this, that and the other. Next we then entered the digital revolution via several of the Canon “A Series” cameras, including the A630 which I still use on occasion.

As a lifelong photographer who has survived thus far without an SLR, we searched for a good Canon camera that would meet my POINT AND SHOOT needs. At long last we had saved enough to buy a Canon G7 which I LOVED. My G7 was such a great workhorse. It surpassed its own life expectancy and I finally wore it out, literally. The insurance offers a replacement camera and they stuck me with a CANON G10. It is not a BAD camera, but it is NOT a comparable replacement camera for the CANON G7. Just because it is a newer camera, does NOT mean it is better.

Enough about that! The Point and Shootist checks out a variety of fun things to do in Illinois, but especially in Chicago and that includes the LIVE MUSIC scene. Check out the Chicago Studio Club websites as they support and promote live music events, live music venues and musicians in Chicago. Imagine that! A truly magical and noble mission and we must all pass the word on to help them in their endeavors.

The Point-n-Shootist supports Chicago Studio  Club and hopes that you will too.

If you have any questions, comments or ideas that you would like to share with me, please DO email me: info@thepointandshootist.com.

Take care, have fun and keep smiling . . .

people will wonder what you’ve been up to . . . !

5 Responses to “About "The ‘Point and’ Shootist"”

  1. DJ Says:

    Keep up the good work!!

  2. The Patsy Says:

    You go girl!

  3. My gal pal Val Says:

    […] is my gal pal Val and me after a LIVE MUSIC event, feelin’ so happy! We had just seen our friend, the legendary […]

  4. Surf Says:


  5. The Point and Shootist Says:

    Your encouragement means alot to me, thanks everyone!

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