Chicago 2011 blizzard photos

Over the span of about a half an hour this Groundhog Day 2011 (February 2), this is what it looked like from our East and West facing views including Montrose Harbor, Lake Shore Drive, and the Lakeview neighborhood.


Feb 2, 2011 photos of Chicago Blizzard

Feb 2, 2011 photos of Chicago Blizzard (2)Feb 2, 2011 photos of Chicago Blizzard (1)


A view straight down, explains SOME of the incredibly LOUD noises we were hearing last night when the 70 mile an hour winds whipped through here.  The windows howled as air blew in from leaks in the double pane windows that were just recently put in. The building AND the windows shook. Since there were some parts of the window area that had a mist of snow blowing in, and with the sometimes violently shaking windows, the feeling of security, was gone. You can see in the photo above, that 2 of the heavy, wrought iron benches were just flung about and landed willy nilly, one near the brand new fountain the building just installed!


Feb 2, 2011 photos of Chicago Blizzard (6)

Feb 2, 2011 photos of Chicago Blizzard (3)

Feb 2, 2011 photos of Chicago Blizzard (4)

Feb 2, 2011 photos of Chicago Blizzard (5)


Those are actually SNOWFLAKES in the photo above!






